CaliforniaVolunteers awards OneOC grant to renew AmeriCorps Resiliency Corps program!
In July, CaliforniaVolunteers awarded OneOC with a grant to renew our AmeriCorps Resiliency Corps (formerly DRVP Corps) program for 2017-2018 year!
The AmeriCorps Resiliency Corps program recognizes the need for nonprofits and organizations throughout California to strengthen their disaster and emergency preparedness. OneOC helps place Resiliency Corps Fellows in nonprofits and community organizations throughout the state. In its third year of funding, the renewal of the CaliforniaVolunteers grant will allow 18 new Fellows the opportunity to serve and make their communities a safer, more resilient place.
The Resiliency Corps Fellows help the organizations they serve with prepare themselves for disaster by creating the procedures, policies, and partnerships needed to ensure that the organizations, its participants, and its community can effectively respond to and recover after an emergency or disaster.
“Studies show up to 40% of businesses do not reopen after a disaster,” says Samantha Vargas, Volunteer Services Supervisor with OneOC’s Resiliency Corps. “It is important that communities and the organizations that serve them are ready when disasters strike-whether natural like floods and fires or human-caused like chemical accidents and terrorism. This is where Resiliency Corps can make an incredible impact. We are grateful to CaliforniaVolunteers for the continued support of this program.”
For more information about AmeriCorps, visit the Corporation for National and Community Service website at or visit OneOC at