2024 Spirit of Volunteerism Honoree – Kim Cart

Published: March 27, 2024

Honoree’s Name: Kim Cart

Why This Volunteer is Extraordinary:

Over the past two years, Kim Cart has exhibited an unwavering dedication to the mission of Human Options, leaving an indelible mark on our organization and the community we serve. Kim’s journey with Human Options began with a simple yet impactful phone call, wherein she expressed her desire to contribute her time along with her company, Rexford Industrial Realty, Inc. From that initial interaction, Kim’s commitment to our mission became evident as she delved wholeheartedly into various initiatives aimed at extending a haven for victims and empowering survivors on their journey to healing.

Kim’s contributions have been multifaceted and instrumental in our organization’s endeavors. She has facilitated volunteer involvement from Rexford and expanded our network by rallying additional volunteer groups. Beyond her efforts in volunteer coordination and facility enhancement, Kim has played an integral role in our organizational initiatives. Her involvement in our annual gala committee, including co-chairing this year’s event, showcases her dedication to advancing our mission.

Kim epitomizes the spirit of volunteerism through her selfless dedication, proactive leadership, and profound impact on the lives of those we serve at Human Options. With utmost gratitude and admiration, we recognize Kim Cart for OneOC’s Spirit of Volunteerism awards, recognizing her exemplary contributions and unwavering commitment to making a difference. Thank you for all you do, Kim!