2024 Spirit of Volunteerism Honoree – Assisteens of Orange

Published: April 9, 2024

Honoree’s Name: Assisteens of Orange

Why This Volunteer is Extraordinary:

Assisteens of Orange has been steadfast in their commitment to volunteering with Ronald McDonald House® Orange County for more than a decade. Their journey began with our Meal of Love program, where they enthusiastically prepared breakfasts and dinners for the families we support. What began as a single act of kindness soon evolved into a regular monthly occurrence, as their dedication to serving and championing our mission became deeply ingrained in their volunteer experience.

Throughout their tenure, Assisteens of Orange has generously provided over 122 meals to our families, pouring in over 1,000 hours of their time to various tasks within the House and special events. Their unwavering support has been a cornerstone of our organization’s success.

Even during the most challenging times, such as the recent pandemic, Assisteens of Orange continued to stand by us with unwavering dedication. When the Volunteer Program had to be temporarily paused for safety reasons, they didn’t hesitate to pivot and adapt. Instead, they crafted Family Movie Night baskets, ensuring that families could still find joy and togetherness during the lockdown. Their thoughtful actions not only provided entertainment but also fostered a sense of normalcy during a period of unprecedented stress and uncertainty.

The impact of Assisteens of Orange extends far beyond their volunteer hours; they are a beacon of support and positivity for our charity. Their tireless efforts embody the spirit of volunteerism, and we are immensely grateful for everything they contribute to our cause. With great pride and appreciation, we wholeheartedly nominate Assisteens of Orange for the 2024 Spirit of Volunteerism Awards.