2024 Spirit of Volunteerism Honoree – Ange Ndécky

Published: March 27, 2024

Honoree’s Name: Ange Ndécky

Why This Volunteer is Extraordinary:

Ange has been a volunteer mediator with Groundswell’s Dispute Resolution Program since 2022. Ange received his mediation training at California State University, Long Beach, and has since become one of the most active volunteer mediators at Groundswell.

In 2023 alone, Ange volunteered over 250 hours, helping the people of Orange County navigate a variety of disputes, providing them the opportunity to decide the outcome rather than having a judge hand down a decision. He is always willing to jump into any case, never shying away from even the most complex or challenging cases. He maintains a respectful and caring demeanor in all interactions, remaining calm and collected even under difficult situations. He can work with any personality.

In addition to being a highly skilled mediator, Ange is an exceptional mentor who has helped dozens of new mediators as they are starting.

2 thoughts on “2024 Spirit of Volunteerism Honoree – Ange Ndécky

  1. Congratulations Ange and thank you for all your help. I appreciate always seeing you with a smile on your face.

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