Published: November 23, 2021


Meet Your CRP Team

Welcome to the Court Referral Program (CRP) at OneOC, where our dedicated and experienced team works tirelessly to provide a transformative alternative to traditional sentencing. Serving all Orange County, CA courts, our team is committed to fostering rehabilitation and building stronger communities through meaningful community service placements. Our staff brings a wealth of expertise in criminal justice, social work, and nonprofit  management, ensuring that each individual referred to CRP receives personalized support and guidance. We are passionate about making a positive impact on both offenders and the communities they serve. We look forward to partnering with you to create positive changes in our community through the Court Referral Program.

Contact Us: For more information about the Court Referral Program or to discuss how we can assist you, please reach out to our team at: Phone: 714-953-5597 Email: